____                                                 ____              _                       
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        |  \__  | (_) | | |_| | | |   \__ \ | |__   /  /     |  \__  | (_) | / _  | | |__ \__ \          
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Hey! I am Alex Coursey, a 21-year-old programmer, from the United States.
I am currently studying Computer Information Systems, with a concentration in Cyber-security.
Below you will find more information about my projects and skills.

what i'm working on

Zombie Siege

A custom-coded Minecraft Server
The premise of this server is simple, create a Call of Duty Zombies-like survival server.
From the very start, we had set out with the goal of creating this server from scratch, an idea that we have not strayed away from.
If you want to learn more about this project, you can join the Discord This project was not built alone, please check out Flyn.Codes

This website!

This website is being built from scratch, and is allowing me to learn HTML and CSS, two things I have never done before.